Address: Faith Avenue; Atlanta, GA 30316
404. That’s an error.
The request%2C-8> Click here to get directions - approximate; see below for where to park
Parking: free parking along the street
Cost: Free
Age Range: 12 month-5 years
Ground Cover: wood mulch
Features: Small structure featuring small rock wall and slide. Large arc with see saw elements. Two baby swings and two big kid swings. Two independent rocking motorcycles and two seated spinners.
Surrounding Park Area: Large play field directly adjacent to playground. Pond with fountain next to play field. Pond features large goldfish and geese (at certain times of the year).
Shade: None!
Seating: Two benches and a concrete staircase.
Stroller/Wheelchair Access: Yes, from the road down to the playground is a concrete walkway.
Safety: Playground designed for more of the toddler age, so the safety is not an issue. No openings for kids to fall out. The see saw climbing arc is somewhat a strange structure; if your small child tries to do it without adult supervision, I suppose they might fall.
Cons: It is sunny and no shade! Older kids might be bored on the playground structure.
Overall Assessment: Nice community playground. The playground structure is very simple compared to other playgrounds in the city. As stated previously, older kids might be bored on the playground, but if they bring a ball or something to kick around, the play field is very nice.
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