Address: Poplar Circle NE, Atlanta 30307
404. That’s an error.
The request%2C-8> Click here to get directions - approximate; see below for where to park
Parking: along Euclid Ave
Cost: free
Age Range: toddler and up…not really for the babies (unless they are just hanging out in the stroller)
Ground Cover: wood mulch
Features: Two separate structures (although I would not call one a toddler structure vs. older kids…they are both pretty advanced). You must first understand that this is a climbing playground…everything makes your child upwardly mobile. The first smaller structure has a rope climbing wall, a slide, and a bouncy thing. The second, much larger, structure has a large rock wall, twisty monkey bars, suspended pods, seated climbers, and an astrorail. There is a circular spinner and a standing spin about as well. There is a bouncy three person see-saw and finally a separate swing structure with 4 big kid swings.
Surrounding Park Area: Along the PATH trail, this is a playground in the middle of some greenspace. It is not necessarily a park, per se, but greenspace.
Shade: None.
Seating: A wall to sit on…no benches
Stroller/Wheelchair Access: NO! There is a small unpaved trail leading up to the playground, but then you have to go on grass to actually go from the trail to the playground. The playground is also wood mulch, which just isn’t forgiving to cheapy strollers.
Safety: It’s a climbing playground, spot your kids.
Cons: This playground has seen better days. It’s sad, because you can imagine that this was once a super fun place for neighborhood kids to play and congregate. However, vandalism has started to overtake this once vibrant playspace. Several things are broken or stolen. Graffiti is splattered all over the structure. Trash is strewn about. It’s sad.

Overall Assessment: Repeating what I said in the “cons” section…this playground once was nice and now it needs help. To my knowledge, this is not a city of Atlanta playground, but a playground that the Inman Park Neighborhood Association helped to bring about. Hopefully, they can come up with some funds to revitalize this once lively space.
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