Address: Euclid Ave and Waverly Lane
404. That’s an error.
The request%2C-8> Click here to get directions - approximate; see below for where to park
Parking: park along Waverly Lane
Cost: free
Age Range: all ages
Ground Cover: wood mulch
Features: A small jungle gym, perfect size for toddlers,with a couple of climbing things, a slide, a steering wheel and two separate baby swings.
Surrounding Park Area: The area is so peaceful. There are massive trees surrounding a pond inhabited by the neighborhood goose.
Shade: The playground is not shaded
Seating: No benches or seating near the playground
Stroller/Wheelchair Access: Not really. It’s a bumpy trail up to the playground and the playground is wood mulch. You’ll need an all terrain stroller.
Safety: Nothing in particular about the playground. Be wary of the pond and your little ones. Also, I’m not aware if the goose is friendly or not. My experience with geese is that they are not friendly animals, but maybe this one is the exception. He didn’t seem to bother me, but I didn’t try to feed it or anything….
Cons: The playground is pretty old and run down. There is some vandalism on the equipment, some graffiti and whatnot.

Overall Assessment: This park was designed by the Olmsted brothers (they also designed Central Park in NYC, and the famous Biltmore House and Gardens in Asheville, NC) and then developed by Joel Hurt. If you walk around the lake, you’ll notice the original 1889 stone wall at the west side of the lake and the Live Oak planted by Joel Hurt over 100 years ago. Apparently, this park also comes with a bit of history: In late July 1864, the land encompassing the park witnessed a tense standoff between Confederate forces and a Union regiment looking for a quick route. The stalemate culminated in a dangerous Confederate assault giving the South an unexpected victory. Of course, now it’s much more peaceful and lovely to sit and relax. This park is not for exercise, but rather personal reflection and some wonderful nature walks with your kids. Despite the lacking and insufficient playground, it is a wonderful park.
The Springvale Park Playground Committee just completed a $110,000 renovation of the playground. The new playground was installed by professionally-supervised neighborhood volunteers in early February of 2013. We replaced the toddler equipment and baby swings with a fabulous new structure for kids of all ages. Features include a three-story tower with slide; infant, handicapped and belt swings; a shade canopy; a roller slide and multiple pieces of climbing equipment. Phase 2 is planned for Fall of 2014 and will include “natural play” elements such as sand and tree stump sections. Come see the new playground!